Trash Bag Fundraisers: A Practical Choice for Schools
As educators, we're always on the lookout for effective ways to raise funds for our schools. From enhancing classroom resources to supporting extracurricular activities, the quest for a successful fundraiser is perpetual. Today, I want to share an innovative fundraising idea that has proven both practical and profitable: trash bag fundraisers.

The Power of Online Fundraising

WHY Product Fundraising?
No truly wants to run a fundraiser, but it’s important to remember why we do it. That being said, it shouldn’t be mindless sacrifice! Build community while funding important programs for our youth. That’s the Dollars For U way.

Contactless Fundraisers

How to Start a Fundraiser
How long should a fundraiser be to be successful? What is the best way to keep records? How do I get the word out about my fundraiser? What do I need to do to close my fundraiser?